To Route or Not to Route? That is the Question.
The funny thing about working on guitars is when you start to get serious you begin eyeballing all kinds of power tools, and believing they are the absolute answer to all your problems.
Chief amongst these for many is the mighty router.
The Mjolnir of plunge cutting, the Mozart of precision widening. In router we trust. Hail to the King.

Chief amongst these for many is the mighty router.
The Mjolnir of plunge cutting, the Mozart of precision widening. In router we trust. Hail to the King.

But it's important to state that just because you can cut doesn't mean you always should cut. The problem with having such a mighty cutting tool at your disposal is that you can very easily overcommit to a potential mistake, or disservice to an instrument.
Case in point; this electronic cavity. There is a temptation to commit to creating an entirely new sub-cavity to house a dedicated battery area. But let's just cogitate on this for a moment.

Were this instrument to be used for touring purposes or if the owner had specifically requested it be routed for a fast release battery housing then absolutely I'm your Dr Hawkeye and let the surgery commence. However this guitar will live its life as a sick local riffer and why mess too much with the general aesthetic or factory weight compensation if unnecessary?
As you can see with a minimal amount of material removal from the pre existing cavity i was easily able to install a side mount battery holder, all within the original confines of the pre existing electronic harness.
Now this bad riffer is active pickup ready and will be returned to its owner with no major changes.

I hope these considerations will help all you Rifflords and Riffladies to best select your options should you ever need to make swiss cheese of your riffstick.
And i am always happy to help discuss options, and alterations if your ready to take the plunge....route.
Stay safe and Riffhard legends.